Riley Wade Bridges

Riley Wade Bridges
Born 01/23/2009 2:08 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day!!!

As expected, we got lots of fresh snow this morning. Noah woke us up at 7:45 this morning (early for him thank goodness!) and was so excited when he looked out the window. All I remember is "guys, get out of the bed and come see the snow." So, after an hour of waking up, eating cinnamon rolls, tracking down our winter gear, and trying to get my belly into some snow pants, we successfully made it out into the snow. Bailey was a little unsure at first but certainly got over that in a hurry. Noah and daddy tried to put together a snowman, but the snow was too powdery and it did not work out as planned. I even got myself onto the ground with Noah to make a snow angel but that was very short lived and very uncomfortable. Finally, we headed to the backyard to try out the sleds we bought last year for our 0" of snow. Now, that was a blast. Jeremy is still laughing at the pregnant woman on the sled. Noah loved sliding down the small hill in the back and crashing at the end. We can't wait to get back out there when some of the neighbors come over later.
Noah loved the snow!

Noah and mommy

Noah and daddy

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