Riley Wade Bridges

Riley Wade Bridges
Born 01/23/2009 2:08 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2 weeks!

We have officially made it through another week with all three kids (yes, Bailey is our girl) doing well and mommy and daddy are still sane...

Noah is still doing excellent with his little brother and he wished he did not have to go to school two days a week so "I can stay with Riley and Mommy." Of course, he still has his 3-year-old moments and tonight he decided to drive his tractor down our street as mommy raced after him trying to get him to stop. Mommy carried him back as he kicked and screamed and the neighbors looked on. Oh well, he was over it quick.

As for Riley, he is doing great and still sleeping a ton. On Monday we went to the Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor to talk about his tongue-tie. We also did a little research ourselves into the potential problems later in life such as speech, licking ice cream, chewing, kissing, etc. If you aren't familiar with this, a short frenum pulls down the tongue, restricts it from moving freely, and prevents the formation of a tongue tip. We have decided based on the ease of the procedure to go ahead and get his frenum only takes one snip with sterilized scissors and apparently is a very minor procedure with no local anethstetic. We are hoping it is as simple as the doctor's say so our little guy is not in pain. Today, we went for his 2 week check-up at the prediatrician and he measured 9 lbs-3 oz and 21-3/4" long. So, he is gaining weight well and growing like a champ. He learned numbers 1-9 and A-K today, so we will work on the rest tomorrow (he is AG!!...ha ha).

Jeremy surprised me today when he picked Noah up and came home with stuff to wash my looks so clean. I think that is the first time we have washed our own cars in probably 10 years. He must want something, just not sure yet. to get the baby announcements ready to send out...I was very pleased with how they came out!

1 comment:

  1. You cracked me up with the "he learned numbers 1-9 and A-K today". Don't lie, you're homeschooling!! haha
